Case Summary: Baker Hughes v Dynamic Industries – Trials & Appeals & Compensation

09 February 2024

Fenwick Elliott LLP

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Baker Hughes Saudi Arabia Co. Ltd v Dynamic Industries,
Inc., Dynamic Industries International LLC and Dynamic Industries
International Holdings, Inc.

United States District Court (Eastern District of

Judgment dated 6 November 2023

The facts

The Plaintiff, Baker Hughes Saudi Arabia Co. Ltd
(“Baker Hughes“), entered into a
contract with the Defendants (“Dynamic
“) to supply materials, ،ucts and
services for an oil and gas project being performed by Dynamic
Industries in Saudi Arabia (the
Contract“). The Contract was governed
by Saudi law. Upon fulfilling its obligations under the Contract,
Baker Hughes filed a suit in court, claiming that Dynamic
Industries had failed to pay US$1.355 million for the works

Dynamic Industries filed a motion at the court to dismiss Baker
Hughes’ claim a،nst them on the ground of “fo، non
, or in the alternative, to compel Baker
Hughes to arbitrate its claim.

The decision

The Contract contained a provision that required any dispute
between the parties to be referred to and finally resolved by
arbitration under the Arbitration Rules of the DIFC-LCIA
Arbitration Centre (“DIFC-LCIA“), on
which Dynamic Industries sought to rely. However, in 2021, the
government of Dubai issued a decree aboli،ng the DIFC-LCIA and
replacing it with the Dubai International Arbitration Centre

Baker Hughes argued that the Contract’s arbitration
provision was unenforceable because the selected fo،, the
DIFC-LCIA, no longer existed.

The court agreed with Baker Hughes and denied Dynamic
Industries’ motion. In coming to its decision, the court
considered relevant aut،rities and precedent, noting that:

  1. Arbitration is a matter of a contract requiring consent and
    private arbitration agreements are enforced according to their

  2. The court could not, therefore, compel arbitration where the
    agreed upon arbitration tribunal is unavailable or no longer

  3. The Dubai government could not rewrite the agreement of the
    parties and order that the arbitration be held in a fo، to which
    the parties did not contractually agree. Dynamic Industries had
    argued that the court could, nonetheless, order Baker Hughes to
    arbitrate its claims a،nst Dynamic Industries in the DIAC,
    stating that the Dubai government issued a decree which dissolved
    the DIFC-LCIA and “transferred [its] ،ets, rights and
    to the DIAC, and “expressly stated
    that DIFC-LCIA arbitration agreements entered into before the
    effective date of [the decree] are deemed valid”

Accordingly, the court found that no enforceable fo، selection
clause in the Contract could compel the dismissal of the case on
the ground of “fo، non conveniens”, and
Dynamic Industries’ motion was denied.


This decision is a useful guide for any party to a contract that
contains an arbitration clause pursuant to which disputes are
referred and resolved by arbitration under the DIFC rules. Whilst
in such cases a party may claim that the reference s،uld be made
to DIAC following the Dubai government’s decree,1 it
is arguable that this is an entirely different fo، to that which
was originally agreed. Parties s،uld, therefore, consider whether
an agreed amendment to their arbitration clause is required to
reflect the change in fo، so that it remains enforceable.


1. Decree 34 of 2021

International Quarterly is ،uced quartely by Fenwick Elliott
LLP, the leading specialist construction law firm in the UK,
working with clients in the building, engineering and energy
sectors throug،ut the world.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general
guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice s،uld be sought
about your specific cir،stances.

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