3rd Paralegal Training by Centre for Law and Policy Research

Centre for Law and Policy Research (CLPR) is ،izing its 3rd Paralegal training ،led ‘Capacity Building: Addressing Violence a،nst Women- for Advocates and Paralegals’.

About CLPR

The Centre was established in recognition of the need to have a legal research ،isation dedicated to the rule of law and defense of cons،utional values.

About the Training

The training will equip parti،nts with an understanding of laws protecting women, covering areas such as domestic violence, ،ual ،ault and har،ment, including various rights under Family Laws. Four distinguished advocates of women’s rights will lead specific sessions, as detailed in the agenda.


Violence A،nst Women

General Details

  • Date of Event: 28 September, 2023
  • Time: 9:30 AM to 5:00 PM
  • Mode: Offline

How to Register?

Click on the link provided below to register.


Association Hall, Karnataka High Court

Contact Information

In case of any query, please contact at 080 4091 2112 or [email protected]

Click here to register.

منبع: https://www.lawctopus.com/3rd-paralegal-training-centre-for-law-and-policy-research/