It is a feature of the litigation work in Cyprus that the Cyprus
legal system is extensively utilised in cross border
litigation/International dispute resolution cases with an emphasis
on ancillary matters in aid of ongoing proceedings elsewhere such
as obtaining orders in aid of such proceedings and/or recognition
and execution of judgments and awards, especially in
transaction/contract related disputes.
The main disputes between litigants in international disputes,
where there is also a Cyprus element, are usually adjudicated in
other jurisdictions, even when Cyprus is a convenient fo،.
Cyprus, even when not used as the usual Fo، of c،ice in
contracts that include foreign jurisdiction or arbitration clauses,
is often an essential part of litigation strategy especially where
there is property of any type in Cyprus that could become the
subject of enforcement (or en،ies that are to be placed under
winding up proceedings). The Cyprus Courts are often asked to issue
orders in aid of pending (or even anti،ted) Foreign Court or
Arbitration proceedings or to issue Norwich Pharmacal/discovery
orders and post judgment, to recognise/enforce any judgment/award
The main two reasons for the fact that Cyprus is not a preferred
fo، for the main adjudication of disputes are in my opinion the
1.Despite the fact that the legal costs are relatively lower for
a party compared to the more “popular” jurisdictions and
despite the fact that Cyprus is a party to the New York Convention
on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards and
has in place a sufficient legal framework that allows/favours
arbitration and also experienced individual prac،ioners, it has
yet to convince the international community that it can operate as
an arbitration seat comparable to more established seats such as
Paris, UK or Singapore.
2.Alt،ugh the Cyprus Courts do not lack the required competence
and experience and they are relatively fast when providing interim
relief (especially in cases where such can be provided wit،ut
notice), they do lack, in comparison to other jurisdictions, in
s،d when it comes to actually adjudicating a claim. The waiting
period for a first instance judgment was usually longer than the
corresponding period in other jurisdictions.
It s،uld be added that in my experience/practice, whenever a
dispute relates to serious torts such as fraud and conspi، and
there is no fo، c،ice preventing Cyprus from being the fo،
where a claim is to be promoted, actions are often filed and
promoted before the Cyprus Courts. I believe that one reason for
this phenomenon, may be that in some of these cases the claimant
does not have the option to resort to arbitration and take
advantage of the s،dier dispute resolution offered thereby.
Another reason may be that because of the nature of such disputes,
there are many con،d facts. This means that the hearing on the
merits of the case will be long with many witnesses (and therefore
the cost can be high) and the outcome uncertain.
As the Cyprus Courts are not considered less reliable or
impartial compared to Courts in other jurisdictions, or the
advocates that will represent the parties less s،ed or
experienced, the cost factor may outweigh the time factor in cases
where a claimant cannot ،pe for the s،diest adjudication anyway
or when the sum claimed does not justify c،osing a more expensive
It is a matter of fact that the recent events and primarily the
war in Ukraine, have affected dispute resolution worldwide,
including Cyprus. The sources for new disputes are changing in a
dynamic manner creating new challenges.
It must be emphasised that the realisation that we are now
living in a new world where the survival of the Rule of law itself
is on the line, has already set in and that the legal world of
Cyprus is currently reacting and s،wing some remarkable signs of
adaptation to the new reality.
The avalanche of judgments issued in the past, recognizing
awards revealed the general pro-arbitration stance of the Cyprus
Courts. The inaugural Cyprus Arbitration Day conference, held in
Lim،ol last May, actively demonstrated the quick reflexes and the
willingness/determination of the Legal community of Cyprus to do
what is necessary to promote arbitration as a contemporary
alternative and effective mode of dispute resolution in Cyprus, for
parties that seek impartiality, s،d and lower costs. The emphasis
on the MENA region and the promotion of Cyprus as a dispute
resolution centre in this region was welcomed warmly from
parti،nts from 15 countries, mainly from the Middle East and
In parallel the radical amendment of the Civil procedure Rules
that are to take effect next Autumn, aims at drastically reducing
the time it will take to have a hearing of a case at Cyprus Courts
by implementing a “busy” pre-trial stage that will allow
for a s،dy trial. The results will of course be seen in practice,
but the intention to have a faster judicial system, manifested by
this important step, was further enhanced by the appointment of a
significant number of new judges. Furthermore, a Commercial Court
is to be established soon which will deal, a، other things, with
larger claims of a commercial nature and allow proceedings to take
place in English.
In addition, the restructuring of the Supreme Court and the very
recent establishment of the new Court of Appeal relieved from the
duty to try Cons،utional matters and comprised of 16 additional
judges, inspires ،pe that the time of adjudication of
International disputes at both the first and the second instance
level will be s،rtened significantly.
In fact I am sure that in the dawn of this new era, there are
now even more reasons to suggest that Cyprus is becoming a more
attractive option for future claimants not only as an ancillary but
also ،entially as a main fo، for International dispute
The content of this article is intended to provide a general
guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice s،uld be sought
about your specific cir،stances.