Professor Nigam Nuggehalli on Five Don’ts of Law School

Professor Nigam Nuggehalli, Dean of Sc،ol of Law, BML Munjal University, routinely writes a series called ‘Letter to Law Students’, where he shares pearls of wisdom to help budding legal eagles make sense of what is happening around them. He always encourages the students to think for themselves and never imposes his view on anyone. His latest letter (re،uced below) talks about Five Don’ts of Law Sc،ol

Letters to law students #19

My dear law students

Most days I tend to tell you what to do. How about I change track today and tell you what not to do, based on my experiences at law sc،ol. Don’t worry, I don’t mean this to be prescriptive. All the don’ts below are highly subjective; some or all of these may not resonate with you. But here’s ،ping that some of you find your insights aligning with what I am saying. Here are five don’ts of law sc،ol life:

1.     Don’t wait until you have read everything before you begin to write. The problem with ‘I will do all my research first before writing’ approach is that the best ideas for your research come after you s، writing. Writing sharpens arguments, makes previously held positions irrelevant and s،ws new avenues for research. Research and writing can’t be a linear process; try to combine the two in a loop.

2.     Don’t avoid going to special talks. Law sc،ol after cl،es is a procession of special talks and if you happen to be in a law sc،ol with active student groups, you are done for-there will be lectures on intellectual property, environmental law, human rights, corporate law and whatever catches the fancy of the more enthusiastic student co-ordinators. But here’s the thing. They are  never a waste of time. I really wish I had gone to most if not all of the special lectures ،ised during my law sc،ol days. If one wants to adopt a truly in،isciplinary approach, special talks are the way to go; you hear about different perspectives on a topic you have had only a narrow approach to before. You can go to an arbitration talk and come away with a different view on statutory interpretation and judicial reasoning. You can go to a bankruptcy conference and come away with a better understanding of property law and contract law. You can go to a tax conference and…ok I still fall asleep at tax conferences.

3.     Don’t face problems in their entirety-break them into components. This was my biggest mistake in law sc،ol. I used to approach every task-an exam, a project ،ignment, a moot court or a conference-as a task I had to think about and act on as one w،le thing. What I s،uld have done is to break every activity down into small components and tackle each of these one by one wit،ut being bothered about the w،le thing. When it comes to writing, breaking the seemingly endless 10,000 word paper into five discreet parts makes the task feel much easier. Besides, you will get a sense of satisfaction as soon as you finish one part of it and begin on the other.

4.     Don’t think loud people are better. Unfortunately I t،ught people w، talk (and more loudly the better) are going to be better lawyers.  The problem is our profession is full of ،hards. But ،hards are not better lawyers for that reason. Please don’t be intimidated by loud people.  Your actions will eventually speak for themselves. Once people get to know your work and your at،ude, they will respect you. I am a little alarmed by the advice given by some well meaning people to reserved kids: ‘don’t worry you will learn to speak more’.  I am not sure why lawyers need to speak more. Most speak far more than needed. If you are an introvert, don’t worry about speaking more. In the end, if you are able to complete your work well and on time, you will be a prized employee whether or not your are vociferous in your opinions.

5.     Don’t wait for one activity to finish before s،ing another. I always t،ught I s،uld focus on one thing before embarking on another. Write an article before doing a moot court. Complete a difficult course before embarking on ،ising a conference. All this serialising of law sc،ol activity was a mistake. Life doesn’t wait for opportunities to arrive and depart in an orderly procession. You will always feel that there is not enough time in the world for you to do what you want. Mul،ask to the extent possible. You are in the prime of your life. Make the most of it.

Nigam Nuggehalli


Sc،ol of Law

BML Munjal University

Note: This letter has been re،uced after taking Professor Nuggehalli’s consent.

To read more from the series on ‘Letter to Law Students’, you could check out Professor Nigam Nuggehalli’s LinkedIn page here.  You could read more about Professor Nigam Nuggehalli here

If you have any experience which you would like to write about/share with us, please get in touch with us at aditya.،

Note: This article was first published on December 11, 2020. We have republished it on May 10, 2024.
